Subtle voices’ are those positive or negative words that are subtly spoken into our lives. These ‘subtle voices’, although subtle, are too powerful because they tend to shape our thoughts and inform our actions. That is why it is essential that we be selective of what we allow into our thoughts. D.S. Mashego
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Yes, I was infatuated with you: I am still. No one has ever heightened such a keen capacity of physical sensation in me. I cut you out because I couldn't stand being a passing fancy. Before I give my body, I must give my thoughts,... - Sylvia Plath

  2. There are so many things that demand to be said. Where did you go? Do you ever think about me? You've ruined me. Are you okay? But of course, I can't say any of that. - Gayle Forman

  3. It’s important that what thoughts you are feeding into your mind because your thoughts create your belief and experiences. You have positive thoughts and you have negative ones too. Nurture your mind with positive thoughts: kindness, empathy, compassion, peace, love, joy, humility, generosity, etc. The... - Roy T. Bennett

  4. I do my best thinking at night when everyone else is sleeping. No interruptions. No noise. I like the feeling of being awake when no one else is. - Jennifer Niven

  5. I remember when your name was just another name that rolled without thought off my tongue. Now, I can’t look at your name without an abundance of sentiment attached to each lettter. Your name, which I played with so carelessly, so easily, has somehow become... - Coco J. Ginger

More Quotes By D.S. Mashego
  1. It is so wrong to run away from your purpose — you may be running away with a solution that may solve the world’s problems or save mankind.

  2. Your persona, talents, desires, etc. are intricately connected to your life’s purpose. The synchronicity of your persona, talents, desires, passions, dreams, etc. is not a coincidence.

  3. Some things don’t just happen, they happen because somebody decided to make them happen.

  4. Your propensity to succeed in life is largely dependent on your understanding of the concept, your ability to discover your purpose, and your willingness to pursue and act on your purpose.

  5. Your assignment will always be a forerunner to others’ assignments. Also, others’ assignments will always be forerunners to yours.

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